086 155 3333 versoeke@caringdaisies.co.za
Live a Life of Giving
We are a group of friends who have come together with a common goal: to make a positive impact on our community and the world at large. Through our various initiatives, we aim to bring awareness to important causes and raise funds for the ones in need.
About Us
Starting out small in 2010, we gathered some friends for an auction in Waterkloof, Pretoria to raise funds for a very worthy cause. Our first project was a calendar with discreet nude photos of us. I know you might frown, but it was for a good cause. If you think about it… what can possibly cause a few fat, overweight moms, covered with cellulite to take off their clothes to make a calendar? The answer: an opportunity to make a difference to the lives of three teenage kids.
A flat broke teacher in our community with three gifted children (triplets), who qualified as the top three students in their school, were offered the opportunity to travel overseas for a school project. The problem was the single mother could not afford to give her children this exposure. We decided to help and that was the beginning of our life of giving!
We called the first project “Kaalgat Daisies” and had a simple goal… to raise R45,000 for these children. Before we knew it, we superseded our wildest fantasies and managed to raise a whopping R200,000 in a single evening, while having fun at the same time! This money was used to change a few lives for the better and we decided to continue living a life of giving!
The success with our first project resulted in the decision to continue on an official way and thus, the birth of the “Caring Daisies”.
We have since grown into a well-known name. Our aim, as ordinary moms is to make a difference where formal charity organisations are not able to. We believe that we can make the dream of changing the lives of people that doesn’t expect it, a reality.

What we do...
What we do...

In the news...

Danksy ‘n spesiale lyfpak en die hulp van ‘n groep goedhartige vroue is Danelle le Roux se uidagende lewe onlangs ‘n bietjie makliker gemaak.

Die Blou Bulle- en Springbok-losskakel Morné Steyn het mense vandeesweek gevra om Marizaan du Toit (19) finansieel te help nadat sy op 4 Desember verlede jaar ‘n ernstige beroerte gehad het.

Her condition is so rare there were only six people in the world with it when she was diagnosed at the age of three.

It is with utmost joy that we would like to share the next phase of Izabella’s journey with our family, friends, and sponsors.

R17 miljoen se skenkings in ‘n konvooi op pad Natal toe. BAIE dankie aan elkeen wat aan hierdie poging deelgeneem het. Julle is baie besonderse mense en ‘n voorbeeld vir ons almal!!!

Thank you Caring Daisies for spoiling us with beautiful leather handbags, first aid kits, usn energy drinks and gozone water. We really appreciate your support and donations #Cape2Care
Bank Details
Account Name: Caring Daisies
Bank Name: Rand Merchant Bank (FNB)
Branch Code: 222-026
Account Number: 62321551906
The proof of payment can be sent to: finansies@caringdaisies.co.za