A Cornea for Angelique Human
Almost a year ago Angelique contracted an eye infection in her one eye and started having serious problems that specific eye. After many consultations with an eye specialist, the diagnosis was made that Angelique’s cornea was so badly damaged and that the only solution will be to get a transplant. She is currently blind in that particular eye. Her mom, Tanya, got a few quotations and the transplant will cost between R40,000 and R50,000. They don’t have a medical aid.
The Caring Daisies started the “Piggy Bank” project in order to raise the necessary funds for Angelique’s transplant. The piggies will be distributed across Pretoria by the Caring Daisies. Please support this project and helps us to make a difference in a 16 year old girl’s life!
[soundcloud url=”https://soundcloud.com/jacaranda-fm/good-morning-angels-extra-tanyacaring-daisies” comments=”yes” auto_play=”no” color=”#dd127b” width=”100%” height=”81px” class=”” id=””]